I had been thinking about doing this for a while now but I could never pull a script together that I liked. I think there is a post way WAY back near the beginning of this blog where I talk about doing this, too. As it happened, I began work on a book for the Sketchbook Project 2011. You can see the actual artwork (not copies) as the project tours across the country. Over 28,000 artists participated in this project. For more info on which cities it will tour at, visit their official
So, I scanned in all the pages before I mailed off my book. I decided I am going to digitally color the whole thing since the watercolors I put on the originals didn't scan very well and update it here once a week for everyone to see in case you can't make it out to see the real thing OR, better yet, you can follow updates here and go see the book in person, too. The cover of my book features a miniature glove I knit, making the book all the more tactile and hopefully enticing to the people who will peruse through it.
I thought about compiling the whole thing into a mini-comic. If I do decide to do that, I was thinking about adding on to the story with some extra tid-bits (art, stories, etc). It's still up in the air for me and depends on how this all schedules out.
Obviously this weekly comic idea won't run forever since it has a set number of pages I created for this particular story, but I'm hoping this gets the ball rolling for me to put up more regular posts to this blog. New page updates for the comic will be posted every Sunday.
And after that big ramble, here is the cover and opening page to my comic: COLD HANDS

Check back next Sunday for the next page!