Sunday, March 14, 2010


A small sample of my latest mini-comic. You can also find this story in the upcoming "Cat Odes" anthology.


Pascal Dizin said...

Hey Olivia, it was good to see you at MoCCA too, and to grab a copy of this mini, it's good stuff (there's a couple of confusing bits but they might be due more to photocopying than to anything you actually drew...).
Right now it's looking like I'll be taking part in a signing that a number of the creators at First Second will be doing on May 1rst at Bergen Street Comics. Maybe I can sign a copy of City of Spies for you then. :)

O.Pelaez said...

Printing errors? Where? You can be honest. It's a strange story, but I loved creating it and the way it came out. It makes me laugh. I'll definitely look in to stopping by Bergen Street Comics. I've never heard of the place, so I'll check it out ^^


Pascal Dizin said...

Well, not printing errors so much as I think the photocopying process muddied up some of the detail, so when you have things happening small in the background it gets a bit hard to make out. Looking back through the book again now though, the only panel that really suffers from that is the one where the rat creatures are running away down the hallways, and even that one isn't that bad... So, never mind me.
The panel in the second story with the girl sick in bed is sublime. Hilarious, disturbing, and yet oddly sort of hot... it's a perfect balance of all three.